Table of Contents
In the grand scheme of creation, human beings are limited by their understanding, their senses, and their intellect. Our faculties are finite, restricted by the boundaries of time, space, and our own cognitive capacities. And yet, when we reflect on the vastness of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the order that pervades everything, there is one truth that stands unparalleled: Allah, through His name Al-Muheet, is the All-Encompassing, the All-Pervading.
Al-Muheet is derived from the Arabic root word “Maha” (مَحَى), which means to surround, encompass, or enclose. It conveys the notion of totality, of something that surrounds everything from all sides. In the context of Allah, Al-Muheet signifies that His knowledge, power, mercy, and dominion encompass all things, extending to every corner of existence, both seen and unseen. It is a divine attribute that we cannot fully grasp or fathom in its entirety, but we can comprehend it in a way that aligns with our limited faculties.
The Boundless Knowledge of Allah
One of the most profound aspects of Allah’s All-Encompassing nature is His knowledge. Allah’s knowledge is not confined by the limitations of time, space, or perspective. He knows everything – past, present, and future. From the smallest grain of sand to the grandest galaxies, nothing escapes His awareness. His knowledge is not linear as ours is. While we perceive time in a sequence of moments, Allah’s knowledge transcends time altogether. He knows everything at once.
Consider the intricacies of the universe. Each particle, every movement of the stars, and the cycles of life are all part of Allah’s knowledge. We may understand the concept of gravity or the laws of motion, but we cannot fathom the full scope of Allah’s knowledge that governs the unseen forces and dimensions that shape the very fabric of existence. We know about the process of photosynthesis, but who can truly comprehend the knowledge of the Creator who devised this complex process?
In Surah Al-An’am (6:59), Allah says:
“And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him.”
This verse emphasizes that Allah’s knowledge extends to the unseen realms, to the future, to the hidden dimensions of reality. This divine knowledge is not partial or limited, it is comprehensive, encompassing everything that has ever happened and will ever happen.
As human beings, our knowledge is limited. We can only understand what we experience through our senses or what is revealed to us. But even our most profound discoveries are mere glimpses into the vast ocean of knowledge that Allah holds. We must acknowledge that our understanding, however vast it may seem, is incomplete, and that the true depth of knowledge lies with the One who created all things.
The All-Pervading Power of Allah
Another dimension of Al-Muheet is Allah’s power. Allah’s power is not like the power of human beings, which is finite and bound by constraints. Allah’s power is infinite, unrestricted, and all-encompassing. His will governs the entire universe, from the smallest atom to the largest celestial body. Everything in existence is under His control, and nothing happens except by His permission.
Consider the awe-inspiring majesty of the cosmos. The stars, the planets, the galaxies, all are in constant motion, yet each movement is within the bounds of Allah’s decree. He is the One who created the laws of nature, and He is the One who sustains them. From the formation of stars to the birth and death of creatures, Allah’s power is the driving force behind all of it.
In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255), Allah says:
“Allah—there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what will be after them, and they encompass nothing of His knowledge except for what He wills.”
This verse beautifully encapsulates the All-Pervading nature of Allah’s power. Nothing in the heavens or on the earth operates outside of His dominion. Every event, every action, every force, whether in the macrocosm or microcosm, is part of Allah’s grand design. We may think we have the power to alter the course of events in our limited sphere of influence, but Allah’s power encompasses all, extending beyond time, space, and comprehension.
It is also important to note that Allah’s power is not arbitrary. His power is always in harmony with His other attributes, including His wisdom, justice, and mercy. The infinite power of Allah is not wielded in a capricious manner. Every action, every decree, is filled with purpose and wisdom, even if we, as human beings, may not always understand it.
Allah’s Mercy Encompasses All
Mercy is a fundamental attribute of Allah, and it is intricately linked to His name Al-Muheet. Allah’s mercy encompasses all things, transcending the limits of human comprehension. His mercy is vast and all-encompassing, reaching out to every living being, regardless of their station or condition. It is the mercy of Allah that sustains the universe, that gives life to the dead, that guides the lost, and that offers forgiveness to those who seek it.
Allah’s mercy is not limited to a specific group or time. It is universal and eternal. In Surah Al-A’raf (7:156), Allah says:
“And My mercy encompasses all things.”
His mercy is not confined to a select few; it extends to the entire creation. The very fact that we continue to exist, that we are sustained by the provision of Allah, is a manifestation of His mercy. From the nourishment of our bodies to the guidance of our souls, Allah’s mercy is ever-present. Human beings often struggle to understand the true nature of mercy. We tend to associate mercy with weakness or leniency, but Allah’s mercy is not like our human understanding of mercy. It is not passive or indulgent; rather, it is active, sustaining, and all-encompassing. Allah’s mercy does not negate His justice; rather, it complements it. His mercy is vast enough to envelop even the most grievous sins, provided that the individual turns back to Him in repentance.
This divine mercy is also evident in Allah’s continuous provision. Every breath we take, every heartbeat, every moment of life is a gift from Allah’s mercy. We may not always appreciate the blessings we have, but every aspect of our existence is a testament to Allah’s boundless mercy.
The Dominion of Allah
Allah’s dominion extends over everything in the heavens and the earth. His sovereignty is absolute, and nothing occurs without His will. While we may observe power struggles, conflicts, and changes in the world, the ultimate dominion belongs to Allah. He is the One who has complete control over all things. His dominion is not restricted to a certain time, place, or group of people; it is universal and eternal.
In Surah Al-Imran (3:189), Allah says:
“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and Allah has power over everything.”
This verse highlights the all-encompassing nature of Allah’s dominion. It is not confined to a particular era or people but encompasses everything in existence. The laws of nature, the flow of time, and the cycles of life are all part of Allah’s sovereign rule.
We may observe that human beings wield power in various forms, whether through political, economic, or social influence. However, all human power is ultimately temporary and fleeting. The true dominion belongs to Allah, and it is He who decides the fate of all things. The rulers of this world may seem powerful, but their power is finite, while Allah’s dominion is boundless and eternal.
Acknowledging Our Limited Understanding
Despite the vastness of Allah’s attributes as Al-Muheet, we must acknowledge that our understanding of them is limited. We are finite beings, bound by time, space, and perception. While we can contemplate and reflect on the meanings of Allah’s names and attributes, we can never fully grasp them in their entirety. Our comprehension is shaped by our senses, intellect, and experiences, which are constrained by the limits of our human existence.
This limitation does not diminish the truth of Allah’s attributes; rather, it humbles us. It reminds us of our dependence on Allah and the need for faith. We can never fully comprehend the “How” of Allah’s All-Encompassing nature, but we can trust in the reality of it. Our understanding may be partial, but our faith in Allah’s perfect knowledge, power, mercy, and dominion must be absolute.